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Community work

Presence in the community

AJOI offers several community work services to young and vulnerable people in the West Island of Montreal and its surrounding areas.


Community work has the mandate to identify the needs of young people and vulnerable people while taking into account the needs of the community. Thus, the community worker aims to help young people and vulnerable people find their place in the community, through various strategies such as; leading prevention workshops, offering conferences, and being physically present in the community.

Prevention workshops in schools, communities and institutions


AJOI offers tailor-made workshops in schools and communities according to the needs of the environment. Thus, AJOI adapts to demand by creating and leading workshops on multiple subjects; whether polydrug prevention workshops, information workshops on mental health, workshops on rights and responsibilities, and workshops on sexuality education. These workshops take on the shape and color of the environment and the stakeholders who lead them.

Class tours


AJOI offers schools in the area class tours during which the speakers present the organization and its services.

School presence


In addition to ensuring a presence around the schools in their respective territories, AJOI workers offer - in collaboration with partner schools - a presence, listening, and referral services within these establishments.

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